Shaping Transformation
Annual Review
April 2021 – March 2022
Foreword from
Dr Joy Tweed
Chair, LOCSU
As the recently appointed Chair of LOCSU, I am honoured to introduce this review of the organisation’s activities during the period from April 2021 to March 2022.
Its contents reflect the continuing pandemic recovery, alongside recognition of the considerable work in progress to ensure the Primary Eye Care community is well-positioned to navigate the NHS transition period.
Optometry First
A New Model for Eye Care Delivery in England
Optometry First is a new care model aimed at fully utilising the core competencies and skillsets already available in the community to achieve better eye care outcomes and more effective use of resources. It is designed under the principles of the NHS Long Term Plan to deliver outstanding patient care more conveniently for new patients and those needing ongoing monitoring and support for long-term conditions.
Optometry First has received strong initial interest from a number of Integrated Care Systems and will be tested in three regions identified following LOCSU’s guidance.
Optometry First
Training Zoom meeting
Training and Development
New Opportunities for Knowledge-Sharing
Designing and delivering training and development for LOC members is a core LOCSU responsibility. This year, we have offered a range of opportunities, from the Treasurers’ Sessions and popular LOC Induction courses to the LOC Leadership Course. All these have proved valuable to course participants, providing opportunities for networking and knowledge-sharing.
We have worked closely with WOPEC to devise a new module and lecture series covering Maculopathy OCT and to refresh the module on Eyecare Services for People with a Learning Disability. This module is required for practitioners who want to deliver the LOCSU Community Learning Disability pathway and the NHS England Special Schools Eyecare Service.
This year has also seen the launch of peer review discussion sessions, a new format for CPD that explores the best ways to implement LOCSU pathways.
Training and Development
Recovery and Transformation
Driving the Future of Primary Eye Care Delivery
In this period of rapid recovery and transformation, LOCSU has worked closely with all stakeholders to ensure that primary eyecare is strongly represented. Our aim is to ensure that the depth of clinical skills available in primary eyecare and its proven capacity to add value are fully realised in future healthcare delivery.
LOCSU has developed a strong working relationship with the National Eyecare Recovery and Transformation Programme to ensure recognition that its aims can be achieved through primary eyecare. Outcomes include the inclusion of eye care in NHS England planning guidance; the development of the Optometry First Framework; the creation of the future NHS eyecare hub; and the ongoing roll out of the Eyecare electronic Referral System.
Recovery and TransformationCase Studies
Showcasing LOC Innovation and Expertise
LOCSU published a range of case studies and use cases in 2021–2022 showcasing the innovation taking place in LOCs and exploring the potential for expanded service delivery. They cover a range of areas, from services such as cataract and glaucoma care to the introduction of electronic triage and ophthalmology referral feedback, and the provision of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) detection services.
A number of LOCs are featured in the case studies including Manchester LOC, Devon LOC, Wakefield LOC, Cheshire LOC and Primary Eyecare Services Ltd. Each story contains statistical evidence of successful outcomes alongside discussion of processes and how the use cases meet the aims of the NHS LTP.
Case Studies

LOCSU in Numbers: Live services in CCGs across England.
The Emerging Healthcare Landscape
In this period of rapid change, LOCSU is focused on helping LOCs understand health and care reform so they can engage effectively with key bodies to ensure primary eyecare plays a high profile role in achieving excellent patient outcomes.
The emerging landscape has new structures, stakeholders and contracts, requiring a different approach from LOCs. This will include regional collaboration and cross-boundary engagement as well as a more local focus on place when meeting specific areas of patient need.
The Emerging Healthcare Landscape

Richard Knight, LOCSU Head of Policy
Evolving Governance 2021–2022
With Richard Knight, Head of Policy
In 2021–2022 the optical sector entered the pandemic recovery phase. At the same time legislation to support the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) completed the parliamentary process.
The strong governance that facilitated the rapid rollout out of Covid-19 Urgent Eyecare Services during the pandemic is an important foundation supporting future engagements with the newly created Integrated Care Systems under the LTP. LOCSU continues to work with LOCs to promote best-practice governance.
To support that aim, this year LOCSU developed and distributed The LOC Guide, a single point of reference bringing together everything LOCs and their members need to know to act confidently and in accordance with best practices.
Evolving Governance 2021-2022Finance
LOCSU’s financial results for the year ended March 2022 reflect the ongoing pandemic recovery period. Actions taken to support LOCs financially during COVID-19, together with reimbursement from NHSE for seconded members of staff; savings due to the exit of CegedimRx from the optical sector; and the postponement of NOC 2022 to October to ensure a full in-person event, have resulted in a surplus.
This strong reserve position ensures financial stability and provides the resources and flexibility needed to ensure LOCs are fully supported to benefit the sector during this period of Primary Eye Care and NHS transition.
Finance Review
LOCSU in Numbers: The most common enquiries in each category is shown in the larger type.
Our People
LOCSU consists of a small head office team, alongside a network of Optical Leads providing local support to LOCs across the country. LOCSU also retains a small expert group of clinical experts and advisers.
Our People