Confidence and Connections
Annual Review
April 2022 – March 2023
Janice Foster, LOCSU CEO
I am pleased to share with you our annual review of LOCSU’s activities from April 2022 – March 2023. It covers a period of rapid change as NHS reforms transition from the preparation to the implementation phase. Within that, the primary eye care sector has enormous opportunities to secure its future as an integral component in patient care pathways. With opportunities there are always challenges, and with new initiatives there is inevitably a great deal to learn.
Optometry First
Early Adopters Demonstrate Strong Potential for Further Roll Out of Optometry First
Optometry First is a new model for eye care that utilises the core competencies and clinical skillsets in primary eye care to achieve better patient outcomes from first contact and manage more low-risk long-term conditions in primary care settings, relieving pressure on secondary care and general practice.
Three very different early adopter regions rolled out Optometry First during 2022–23, providing robust insight into the opportunities and challenges that later adopters might experience. The successes and lessons learned during this phase will be invaluable for the future roll out of Optometry First.
Optometry First
Leadership Skills Cohort
Training and Development
Pathways to Leadership
Training and development is a core LOCSU activity. We aim to provide a rich and varied programme of training that builds skills within the optical community, helps LOC members pursue leadership ambitions, and nurtures professional connections. By investing in LOC members, the sector strengthens its capacity to engage with stakeholders and shape change during NHS transformation.
This year we have seen a strong cohort of candidates undertake the LOC induction and leadership courses, with many going on to take on core roles in their LOC and in LOCSU.
Training and Development
What Has LOCSU Done for You in 2022–23?
LOCSU’s purpose is to support Local Optical Committees to fulfil their statutory function well, with a vision to make it easier for LOCs to function and maximise opportunities to improve primary eye care. We do this through a range of practical and strategic activities including pathway development, learning and development programmes, and community-building.
In 2022–23 LOCSU has undertaken circa. 1116 meetings with key stakeholders; contributed to eight national consultations; published seven local case studies; and delivered the flagship NOC
What Has LOCSU Done for You in 2022–23?Case Studies and Pathways
Paving The Way For Progress in Primary Eye Care
Communicating the ways that LOCs are supporting patients and the eyecare profession is an important part of LOCSU’s role. In 2022–23 we published several case studies highlighting the impact primary eyecare innovation can have on patients, healthcare providers and the NHS. The case studies published this year cover eye care services for people with learning disabilities, improving IP optometrist access to FP10, low vision, and vision care for homeless people.
LOCSU also launched two new primary eye care pathways, the integrated dry eye disease (DED) pathway and the naevus referral filtering and monitoring pathway. These pathways were designed and developed in close consultation with LOCs, clinical leaders, and strategy groups to ensure they meet the needs of patients, commissioners, and Trusts.
Case Studies

NOC 2022
Preparing For Change
The 2022 National Optical Conference focused on preparing LOCs to navigate NHS reforms and seize opportunities to raise the profile of primary eye care. Over the course of the two-day event, delegates heard from an impressive cohort of expert speakers and took part in a range of interactive workshops tailored to their interests. Topics included equality, diversity and inclusion; Structural leadership and LOC representation; Optometry First and Pathway Redesign.
Alongside opportunities to gain CPD credits and hear from influential leaders in the sector, the NOC was also an excellent forum for delegates to network and share experiences with peers.
NOC 2022

NHS Reforms
Articulating the Elements of Change: NHS Reforms Animated Film
Helping LOCs interpret and respond to NHS reforms is a core LOCSU role, especially now when there is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to establish primary eye care firmly within integrated care pathways. This year, LOCSU created a short, animated film explaining the reforms and the evolving role of LOCs in the new environment.
Read more and watch the filmFinancial Report
LOCSU’s purpose and principal activity is to support Local Optical Committees (LOCs) across a spectrum of activities. This support is delivered through practical hands-on engagement via a network of leads, as well as through services provided to LOCs remotely by the national team.
Financial Report
EDI Report
Much To Welcome and Work To Do
In 2022 LOCSU commissioned Farah Awan BOptom, MCOptom, MPA to undertake independent research into Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) within LOCs. The study explored a range of topics, from the inclusivity and diversity of LOC membership and any barriers to participation to the consideration of EDI in LOC decision-making processes.
The results showed that on the whole LOC members have not experienced barriers to joining LOCs and participating in activities. However, there are occasions when the composition of LOCs does not reflect the demographic of the contractors, performers and communities they serve.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report