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Case Study: Introduction of Electronic Triage in a Minor Eye Conditions Service in Devon

A LOCSU case study has looked at the introduction of an electronic triage system in the Devon Minor Eye Conditions Service.

26 April 2021

New OFNC Chair Confirms Course for the Coming Year

The incoming Chair of the Optometric Fees Negotiating Committee, Gordon Ilett, has thanked outgoing Chair Paul Carroll for the leadership he has provided throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

7 April 2021

Workshops Provide ‘Great Discussion and Feedback’

Last week two packed virtual workshops were held as LOCSU looked at the future of Optometry first urgent eyecare services.

31 March 2021

COVID-19 Exemption for Patient Signatures Extended

The DHSC has confirmed today that the temporary measure whereby NHS GOS contractors state ‘COVID-19’ instead of requiring patient signatures on forms has now been extended until 30 June 2021.

29 March 2021

Department of Health and Social Care Confirms GOS Sight Test Fee Increase

The Department of Health and Social Care has said it will increase GOS sight test fees by 1.9% from April 2021.

25 March 2021

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