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GOC’s Business Registrant Survey 2024

1 July 2024

The GOC recently carried out a survey to understand more about the businesses it regulates and the issues they face, the results of which were published in April.

Council agreed the survey will play a useful role in feeding into the GOC’s draft Strategy 2025–30, legislative reform and review of business standards. There was discussion around findings showing particularly high levels of innovation in businesses, and anticipated growth in the use of technology and AI over the next few years. It was noted that the GOC will need to be agile in its approach to supporting responsible innovation and protecting the public – one of the three objectives in the draft Strategy 2025–30.

There was also discussion around findings on patient record keeping, insurance, GOC registration fees and CPD.

There was agreement over the importance of doing the survey on an annual basis to monitor trends over time. Several Council members stated that attempts should be made to increase the survey response rates in future years, so the results show more clearly the differences between devolved nations and business types.

See the full business registrant survey 2024 findings

Read the full June 2024 Council meeting papers

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