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LOCSU Transformation – Organisation Restructure

2 August 2023

In tandem with the publication of the ambitious ‘Forward Plan, Placing LOCs Front and Centre’, LOCSU has reflected upon the best possible structures to achieve one of the key goals of increasing efficiency, quality, and depth of support to meet LOC needs.

As a uniquely placed national support organisation, with a vital development and collaboration role within a rapidly changing health and social care landscape, it is essential that LOCSU remain responsive and fit for purpose with a skill-based structure centred around a value-added focus for LOCs.

Responding directly to LOC and sector feedback, LOCSU are undergoing a period of managed change and redevelopment.

Janice Foster, LOCSU CEO, said:

“Taking a step back and considering the core role of LOCSU has allowed us the opportunity to consider exactly what we need to do to make it easier for LOCs to function and maximise opportunities in their areas. We are surrounded by talented clinical leaders so have looked to build upon this with exploration of a team with complementary skills who can assist converting opportunities into action.”

With that in mind, LOCSU is announcing some significant and exciting changes to the central team.

LOCSU Organisational Chart


The restructure illustrated above has been carefully crafted to better meet LOC, LOCSU and sector goals. LOCSU is going to look different in the coming weeks and months.

Take a closer look at the LOCSU Organisational Chart

Business Development

The strengthening of the business development and regional contractual and negotiation support is critical to success. This is an evolution of the Head of Policy role, transferring the focus from national policy and strategy support (which is undertaken in collaboration with sector bodies and will now sit with LOCSU CEO Janice Foster) to regional contracting and transformation opportunities. With that in mind, LOCSU is currently recruiting a Business and Operations Development Lead role which will primarily be LOC (local and regional) facing bringing valuable skills in negotiation, influencing, and business acumen to LOCs, complementing LOC existing clinical skillsets and ensuring they are best placed to impact local and regional commissioning decisions.


Following overwhelming LOC requests to improve communications and engagement, the direct appointment of a Communication and Engagement Lead will help transparency and reflects the role of communications as a critical strand in the LOCSU strategy. With primary responsibility to improve information flow between local, regional, and national colleagues there will be a particular focus upon LOC/LOCSU communications and interface.


LOCs will have experienced increased LOCSU support around financial matters, not least with the introduction of the payroll service and the much-valued Treasurers forums. Building further upon this, Vanessa Cook was recently appointed to the role of Finance and Business Support Coordinator. Bringing a wealth of skills and experience in financial governance and bookkeeping, Vanessa will strengthen the LOCSU support offer with finance specific expertise.


There has also been a call to increase the data and evidence base to better support LOCs and the sector in making the case for increased resources invested and increased services commissioned in primary eye care. As part of this, Lisa Stonham, previously Information Officer, has recently been promoted to Data Insight and Information Officer. Lisa will work with colleagues around England to develop a data hub that places compelling evidence in the form of numbers and case studies at the fingertips of primary care colleagues.


Increasingly, LOCSU undertake important and intense project work targeted towards maximising sector and LOC opportunities. It is important that LOCSU, in its support role, can flex capacity to provide resource to coordinate and facilitate the success of sector wide projects. One such example is the important secretariat role within the optometry first initiative. Enitan (Enny) Aghadiuno, has joined the team on a temporary basis to provide additional support for all projects as well as increasing capacity for critical work such as the National LOC Forum and the planning and coordination of NOC23.

LOC Advancement Leads

Whilst plans outline a strengthened central team, LOCSU recognise the importance of maintaining and improving current work through actions that bring tangible outcomes and benefits for LOCs. It is essential that transformation is balanced with continuity, both of which being critical to success.

Ensuring the excellent work already taking place is not lost, in tandem with the central team transformation, LOCs will experience continuity with their regional liaison colleagues. That said, LOCSU is reinvigorating the ‘in region’ direct support with a network of LOC Advancement Leads. Previously known as Optical Leads, the work of this team of sector leaders will be further enhanced responsibility as leads in ‘hot topics’, such as IT and transformation. The aim being to better assist LOCs by ensuring in-depth understanding and cross fertilisation of ideas, experiences, and best practice in England. The Advancement Leads will work closer than ever with LOCs to provide intensive support where it is needed most.

Janice added: “LOCSU remain committed to empowering and supporting LOCs in their important work across England. Effective, thriving LOCs have a vital role in the future to the primary eye care sector and LOCSU has a vital role in enhancing and facilitating LOC success.”

You can learn more about the people within LOCSU here:

Our People


LOCSU will continue to review and evaluate the restructure success and the dialogue with LOCs is ongoing to further develop the LOCSU team to meet LOC needs.

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