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News (2023)

Open Letter Sent to NHS Over Commissioning of Special Needs Eye Care Service

The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning has written to NHS England urging them to commission a School Eye Care Service for children with special needs.

28 February 2023

LOCSU Seeks New Board Members

LOCSU is currently looking to recruit four new Board Directors (clinical).

28 February 2023

LOCSU Launches Low Vision Pathway Along With Low Vision Case Study

Working in consultation with LOCs, visual impairment charities, clinical experts and patients LOCSU has refreshed their Low Vision Pathway resources.

23 February 2023

Local Optical Committee Central Support Unit (LOCSU) To Exhibit at Leading Optical Show

LOCSU is pleased to announce our participation at this year’s ‘100% Optical’ event in London later this week.

20 February 2023

Meet the team: Alvaro Borges, Optical Lead

Born and brought up in the Porto region of Portugal, Alvaro studied at the University of Minho (Portugal) and at UPC in Barcelona.

20 February 2023

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