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Public Health England


Public Health England operates through four regions and 15 centres:

Public Health in England Structure

Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) were established to set a joint health and wellbeing strategy (JHWS) for each upper tier council area (for example county and city councils). They are designed to promote joint working and integrated services across health and social care.

Each board includes an elected member of the local council; the council’s directors of adult services, children’s services and public health; a member of the local Healthwatch; and representatives of each CCG in the local area. Each board is free to expand their membership to include a wide range of perspectives and expertise and they will seek to engage a wide range of partners.

Local Eye Health Networks are the route for LOCs to influence the assessment of eye health and care needs by their Health and Wellbeing Board at a local level. The assessment of eye care needs should be included in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).

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