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Practices (Contractors) Asked to Update The NHSmail Data Protection Security Toolkit (DSPT)

NHSEI/NHS Digital has issued a request for NHSmail account holders to complete the Data Security & Protection Toolkit (DSPT).

20 September 2021

Launch of the Eye Care Hub Website

The national eye care recovery and transformation programme (NECRTP) team has launched a new website, the Eye Care Hub, on NHS Futures.

31 August 2021

Covid 19 – Resumption of Patient Signatures on GOS Forms

The DHSC has informed OFNC that the COVID-19 suspension of the requirement for patient signatures on GOS forms will end on 31 August 2021.

25 August 2021

Improvements to PCSE Online Performance

PCSE say that PCSE online is showing signs of improvement and they’ve confirmed the date for a major system overhaul next month.

25 August 2021

PHE Publishes Their Vision Atlas

The Atlas brings together 32 indicators across the whole vision pathway. A tool to help monitor population eye health.

25 August 2021

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