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LOCSU demands better NHS connectivity for optical practices

More patients will lose sight unnecessarily unless action is taken to link optical practices digitally with hospitals, LOCSU and other optical organisations have warned.

11 April 2019

New Clinical Pathways launched

LOCSU has published new eye health pathways as part of a root and branch upgrade. The refreshed approach has the potential to transform the delivery of eye health service within optical practice, supporting the “out-of-hospital” care agenda and promoting the whole-system approach to service delivery and pathway redesign.

15 March 2019

LOCSU recruits new Optical Leads

As a result of a restructure of LOCSU’s Commissioning Lead team, an opportunity has arisen for highly-skilled people to form a new team of seven Optical Leads to support LOCSU in its work with Local Optical Committees across England. Applications close 25 March. For more details, visit Work With Us.

8 March 2019

LOCSU News January 2019

March Induction Course Planned, Annual Report published, Glaucoma tie-up announded, LOC recruitment video wins plaudits, NHS blog published and Leadership candidates revealed in Jan 2019 LOCSU News.

31 January 2019

LOCSU publishes Annual Report

Durability of the LOC Company Model is covered in 2017-2018 Annual Report as Primary Eyecare Company activity and revenue rises nearly 25% with 375 services now delivered via a PEC.

21 January 2019

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