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Low Vision Pathway

Our low vision pathway is designed to provide people living with sight loss with:

  • A user-friendly, streamlined service offered close to home reducing patient anxiety due to long waiting times
  • Easy access to low vision aids (LVAs) and daily living aids, where appropriate, to meet individual needs
  • A high-quality low vision assessment by eye care professionals, providing information and personalised clinical advice
  • Seamless integration with other local services supporting those with sight loss
  • The ability to self-refer, encouraging people with existing sight loss to easily access support

The low vision pathway will:

  • Encourage collaborative working with multidisciplinary teams such as the falls team and sensory support following a low vision appointment via information sharing and signposting
  • Release capacity within the overburdened hospital clinic
  • Provide a more cost-effective service with a greater number of patients being managed within the primary care setting
  • High-quality, low-vision assessment, information, and clinical support

LOCSU’s Clinical Advisory Group has developed this pathway, in consultation with LOCs, visual impairment charities and patients, to be delivered by both optometrists and dispensing opticians working in primary eyecare.

LOCSU Low Vision Resources

Low Vision Pathway
Low Vision Pathway Guideline
Low Vision Pathway Equipment List
Low Vision Pathway Case For Change 
Low Vision FAQs

Other Useful Documents

Low Vision, Habilitation and Rehabilitation Framework for Adults and Children June 2017 (revised February 2018)
CCEHC low vision assessment survey 2021
Low Vision: the essential guide for ophthalmologists July 2021 (review date: July 2024)
Royal National Institute of Blind People

Eye Care Support Pathway (RNIB 2023)

Adult Low Vision Service Quality Framework

Tech Selector for Assistive Technology | Guide Dogs Guide Dogs UK is hosting a comprehensive Low Vision Tech Selector tool on their website, designed to assist individuals with vision impairment to identify the most suitable mainstream and assistive technologies for their needs.

Skills and Training

LOCSU in partnership with WOPEC have designed a specialist Low Vision module, including a short Introduction to the LOCSU Low Vision Pathway.

Please contact and register with WOPEC (Wales Optometry Postgraduate Education Centre) to gain access to the LOCSU/WOPEC Low Vision Module.