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LOCSU Director Millie Fellows Puts the Spotlight on ‘Sustainability for LOCs’ at ABDO’s SEE Summit

2 October 2023

Millie Fellows


ABDO’s sustainability-focused SEE Summit is taking place on the evening of 9 October; sign up here if you would like to attend. Among the range of environmental topics discussed will be ‘Sustainablity for LOCs’, in a session led by LOCSU Non-Exec Director (Clinical) Millie Fellows.

As Secretary for Oxfordshire LOC, Millie and her colleagues have been doing great work around sustainability within the LOC and practices and it is this experience that Millie will share at the Summit.

Milie is a Dispensing Optician from Oxfordshire and Practice Leader with over 25 years’ experience. She is also LOCSU Remuneration Committee Chair and LOCSU Board Liaison Northwest LOC Regional Forum, Regional Lead for ABDO, and was recently appointed Fitness to Practice Panel member for the GOC.

She says: “I am thrilled to have been invited to talk about sustainability within our LOCs. LOCs are in a prime position to establish a direction, gather and exchange ideas, and inspire action. We have made a start in Oxfordshire, with small easy changes which I will talk about at the Summit.

“My role with LOCSU allows me to champion this work and my hope is to inspire other LOCs to follow. There’s so much more we need to do, both in our own ways of working as committees and then to galvanise and support our Practices and colleagues.”

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