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Ministerial Sign Off for Eye Care Reform in Wales

An ambitious programme for eye care reform has now received ministerial sign off in Wales.

23 September 2022

Response on ICSs to the Health and Care Committee

The OFNC have had their response to the Health and Social Care Committee on Integrated Care Systems published.

16 September 2022

National Clinical Director for Eye Care To Attend NOC Next Month

Next month’s LOCSU National Optical Conference (NOC) will see Louisa Wickham, the first National Clinical Director of Ophthalmology, make her debut speech to the sector.

14 September 2022

New Speakers Announced for the NOC

The LOCSU National Optical Conference (NOC) takes place in less than six weeks, and we’re pleased to confirm two further speakers.

31 August 2022

Wakefield LOC Delivers CPD Peer Discussion

LOCSU has recently produced a guidance document for LOCs who are interested in becoming a CPD.

31 August 2022

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