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“A single voice, a united message and a single settled purpose”

Message from the NOC is that participation and collaboration across the sector is needed to address NHS Reform opportunities.

22 November 2019

National Self-Care Week 2019 – a role for the optical sector in supporting self-care

Primary eyecare can play a pivotal role in the prevention of illness and supporting wellbeing

18 November 2019

NHS Reform is the key theme for NOC this week

This year’s programme includes speakers, facilitated discussions and networking opportunities, with a strong focus on NHS Reform.

11 November 2019

Engaging the next generation – LOCs rise to the challenge

Dorset and Suffolk LOCs are making great progress in engaging newer optometrists.

28 October 2019

Book now for Jan 2020 Facilitated Induction Programme

Our online programme is designed to support delegates to become effective LOC members

24 October 2019

Archives by year