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Glaucoma Referral Filtering and Monitoring

NICE’s updated guideline on glaucoma made recommendations relating to referral. The introduction of referral filtering measures following a sight test leads to fewer people being referred for specialist investigation and a greater number being managed within primary care.

Whilst people with low risk of developing glaucoma can avoid referral to the hospital eye service, others with a diagnosis but low risk of progression, can be appropriately monitored in optical practice.

LOCSU has produced an integrated service pathway which aims to identify patients with ocular hypertension and suspected COAG and manage them in primary care, only referring those who require specialist investigation. The pathway supports integration, helping to ensure a whole system solution for patients with glaucoma, or glaucoma-related conditions, helping to address capacity pressures within the overburdened hospital glaucoma clinics.

LOCSU has developed a comprehensive Clinical Service Pathways Framework incorporating, which will be reviewed in 2025:

Other Useful Documents

Case Studies

Glaucoma Filtering and Monitoring Case Studies

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