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New to Your LOC? Book Now for the Next LOC Induction Course

29 September 2023

LOC Induction Course


It might seem too early to be thinking about New Year’s Resolutions, but if you are new to your LOC you can get ahead by booking your place on the next LOC induction course, which starts on Monday 8 January 2024.

The facilitated online course is a great opportunity to connect with colleagues across the country, as well as gaining an excellent grounding in what LOCs do, their functions and governance, and who they work with in the optometry and wider healthcare community.

The September induction course is well underway. Facilitator Simone Mason, LOCSU’s Digital Learning Support officer, says: “It was great to ‘meet & greet’ almost all the current cohort of 20 ‘inductees’ on the September LOC Induction course. Held on Zoom, it’s a chance to connect and put names to faces.

“Most of the members have either only just joined, or certainly have only been a member of their LOC for less than six months. During the next 3-4 weeks they will work through the online learning content as a community. Research shows that this social connection provides a fantastic opportunity to connect with other LOCs and learn from one another.”

The current cohort is truly national in scope: “We have 15 Optometrists and four Opticians from Sefton LOC; Hampshire LOC; Gloucester LOC; Wakefield LOC; Lincolnshire LOC; Devon LOC; Bradford LOC; Northamptonshire LOC; Hertfordshire; Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth LOC; and Essex LOC. We also have a record seven on the course from Berkshire LOC, which had a very successful AGM recently and recruited a record amount of new members.”

The course offers opportunities for attendees to secure two interactive GOC CPD points under the Professionalism and Communication domains. It is pre-approved and not for self-directed learning and ONLY for the LOC Induction Course attendees.

Through the Induction course attendees will enhance their understanding of the role and functions of LOCs, exploring what makes them effective in the current NHS landscape, as well as the work of LOCSU.

So if you’re looking to make an impact in your LOC in the New Year, get more details about the course and sign up here: Training and Development – LOC Induction Programme (

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